Agricultural research and extension since 1982
Hart is South Australia’s premier agronomic field trial site, managed by farmers and industry professionals to provide independent research that is timely, relevant and unbiased, as well as cutting edge and innovative.
Located between Blyth and Brinkworth in South Australia’s Mid-North, Hart is situated on 40 hectares owned by the Hart Field-Site Group Inc.
Our event calendar begins with our annual Getting The Crop In seminar (March). Our trial program is then the focus of our remaining events, all held on site; the Winter Walk (July), main Field Day (September), and at our Spring Twilight Walk (October). Other workshops and demonstrations are also run to further extend research projects to growers.
Soil type at the site is a clay loam grading to calcareous and dispersive clay. Soil pH values which are slightly alkaline are typical for the soil. A number of soil profiles in the area have been characterised for Yield Prophet and in general have a plant available water capacity (PAWC) or 'bucket size' around 180 - 200 mm.
Hart's average annual rainfall is 400 mm with an average growing season rainfall of 300 mm.
We've now published some great follow-up resources from this event.
You'll find them here: GETTING THE CROP IN
Our 2024 Trial Results are now available to download FREE, either in full, or article by article.
For ten years now we've worked with some amazing young ag and science gratuates as we provide a solid grounding in applied grains research.
With some extension training thrown in, plenty of collaboration with other researchers and industry, and direct contact with lots of Mid North farmers, it's a fantastic start to a research career.
We're excited to welcome Isaac to our team for 2025.
Search the Hart website
Have you noticed the search bar at the top right hand side of our website? We hope it you'll find it useful, particularly if you're researching trial results for a particular topic.
Social Media
You can find us on Facebook, X, LinkedIn, YouTube and SoundCloud; search for @hartfieldday or click on the icons at the top of the page.
Winter Walk
Tuesday, July 15, 2025
9am | Hart, SA
Hart Field Day
Tuesday, September 16, 2025
Hart, SA
Spring Twilight Walk
Tuesday, October 21, 2025
5pm | Hart, SA