2025 Getting The Crop In seminar

Wednesday, March 12


Getting The Crop In 2025 program

Follow-up resources...


Click the image below to download all follow-up resources.
Hart's Getting The Crop In seminar 2025 - follow-up resources



Richie Mould; Market Check



Hart research update 1

Miffy Purslow; Hart Field-Site Group


Read Miffy’s report on recent fusarium root rot trial work, written in collaboration with Blake Gontar & Liz Farquarson (SARDI) and Rebekah Allen (Hart), here:

Article only: Novel management strategies for the control of fusarium root rot in lentil
Full publication: Hart Trial Results 2024
*featuring 17 articles and more


Craig Davis; Crop Consulting Servies &
Dr Chris Preston; University of Adelaide


Australia has delayed a Paraquat registration decision until the end of this year.



Jack Owen; Victorian farmer & author


In his presentation, Jack also mentioned:

  1. The awesome big wall-mounted whiteboard calendar he has in his office (shown in his presentation)
  2. A book called ‘The Gap and the Gain’ by Dan Sullivan and Dr Benjamin Harvey
    (Measuring success backwards, rather than forwards; how far you have come and what you have achieved, rather than how far you have to go still.)
  3. Farm Owners Academy – the group he works with on open book benchmarking

You can buy Jack’s book here:
You are not your farm; What to top 5% of farmers are doing that the average farmer is not


Hart research update 2

Dr Glenn McDonald; University of Adelaide


Read Glenn’s report on recent trial workhere:

Article only: A summary of recent experiments on soil moisture, germination and crop establishment
Full publication: Hart Trial Results 2024
*featuring 17 articles and more

Extra reading (relevant to topic):

  1. Evaluating the importance of sowing rate, depth and time of sowing on canola emergence
    (Hart Trial Results 2024)
  2. Evaluating the importance of sowing rate, depth and time of sowing on emergence and yield – wheat and canola
    (Hart Trial Results 2023)



Facilitator - Sandy Kimber; Hart Field-Site Group
Panellists - Bec Court; Hood Sweeney, Deb Purvis; Purvis AgriFinance, Ben Pitt; NAB

Options to consider in challenging times:

  1. Use technology to help with record keeping
    - There are so many really good tools out there
    - Lots of ways to make sure your tech platforms ‘talk’ to each other ie Agworld to Xero etc.
  2. Tax / BAS debt – repayment plans
  3. Bank loans – interest only
  4. Equipment finance re-negotiations
  5. Drawing down FMDs
  6. Converting overdraft to core debt (better interest rate)
  7. Tax planning – this just as important in poor years as it is in good years

Financial assistance programs:

  1. RIC (Regional Investment Corporation
  2. FAB (Family and Business (FaB) Mentors)
    Local contacts:
    - Judy Wilkinson 0401 122 049
    - Anthony North 0409 398 435
  3. RBS (Rural Business Support)
    1800 836 211
  4. PIRSA (Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia)

Top tips from our panellists:

  1. Monitor your cashflow and overall position often (and always have your financials up to date)
  2. Surround yourself with good advisors (you don’t have to be the expert in everything)
  3. Look after yourself and get help if you need it (it’s hard to make good decisions when you’re not coping)
  4. Get your financial partners together (they’re happy to work with each other and there are great benefits)
  5. Planning is key; tax, cashflow, succession
  6. Communicate with your financial partners well and communicate early
  7. Embrace technology and use it to your advantage


In the media...


Despite drought conditions in many areas of the state, a full-house of attendees gathered with a thirst for knowledge at the annual Hart Field-Site Group’s Getting the Crop In seminar in Clare on Wednesday.

About 130 farmers and consultants attended the event and Hart chair, and Snowtown farmer, Glen Wilkinson said the program reflected the group’s consistent drive to provide topical and practical information to growers.

“It really came across that the topics were relevant to what we’re facing this season,” he said.

“For example, dry sowing couldn’t be more relevant, because the way we’re looking it’s going to be a dry start again.

“And the issue of chemical carryovers – residual chemicals - are going to have a big impact on what we sow and when from here on in.”

Speakers at the event covered global and domestic commodity markets, research updates on fusarium root rot in lentils and the impact of dry conditions on crop emergence, highlighting how much moisture is actually required to germinate seed.

The hot topic of Paraquat chemical, its future and possible alternatives generated plenty of interest. Read the full story here.



When Jack Owen took on part of the family farm as his own, he had the world at his feet.

He had been handed the reins on 330-hectares to run his own lamb enterprise, and he was finally living his dream of being home on the farm, having moved away to “get a trade first”.

And, as attendees at the Hart Getting the Crop In seminar in Clare on March 12, will hear, initially it was all going swimmingly.

Interest rates were low, commodity prices were high and he was working long hours doing what he thought he had to do as a farmer.

Then things changed – rates went up, lamb prices went down and the weight of the responsibility hit.

“It was challenging, going from being a farmer’s son where you’re generally a leading farm hand I guess you’d say, to going into a key decision-maker position,” Jack said. 

“My parents had decided to stand out of the way and let me do my own thing with my land, instead of going into a partnership with me, which was probably a really smart decision looking back. Read the full story here.


Hart field-site group's annual getting the crop in seminar is back for 2025.

The free event will be held on March 12 in Clare, and offers the opportunity to hear from industry experts across a range of fields - agronomy to finance, grain markets to chemical regulations.

Hart chair, Snowtown farmer, Glen Wilkinson (pictured below left with Hart vice-chair; Andre Sabeeney) says the seminar provides a valuable opportunity to catch up with other like-minded farmers, and ask the presenters questions specific to your own farm and situation.

On the back of a dry year, he says the event provides an excellent chance to re-set for the year ahead.

 “It’s been a tough season and it’s really easy to bury your head in the sand about how you and your business are travelling,” Glen says. Read the full story here.

2024 Getting The Crop In seminar

Wednesday, March 13


Getting The Crop In 2024 program

Follow-up resources...

Dr Kate Burke; Think Agri


  • Find out more about Kate on her website.
  • Purchase Kate’s book called ‘Crops People, Money & you; the art of excellent farming’ here.

Kate referred to several publications or resources during her presentation:

Rebekah Allen and Kaidy Morgan; Hart Field-Site Group

Hart Trial Results 2023
– full publication



  • Early and dry sowing
  • Glufosinate trial results


  • Nitrogen decisions & N banking
  • Lentil agronomy

Evaluation of early & dry sowing; canola and wheat

Glufosinate efficacy for annual ryegrass control


Nitrogen decisions & N banking results

Useful BoM Weather tools:

Lentil agronomy update




Trent Smoker; Clear Grain Exchange

  • Find out more about Clear Grain Exchange here:
  • During his presentation, Trent acknowledged the team at episode3 for their support in providing data relating to farm inputs. You can learn more about them here.


Beau Longmire; Longmire Pty Ltd & S&B Farming Pty Ltd, Corowa NSW


You can follow Beau and the Longmire family on social media.

Post event news...

Hart's Getting The Crop In seminar 2024READY, SET, NOW TIME TO GROW

Local farmers, agronomists, consultants and ag industry representatives gathered in Clare on Wednesday (March 13) for the Hart Field-Site Group’s annual Getting The Crop In seminar.


About 120 people were in attendance to gain an insight across a range of topics, from farm finance to cropping trials results and world market trends to a peek into an interstate farm operation. 

Hart vice chair, Snowtown farmer, Glen ‘Chip’ Wilkinson said this year’s event offered many opportunities to learn, but also to stop and think about our own approach to the farm business. Read the full story here.

Pre-event news...

Hart's Getting The Crop In seminar 2024 - keynote guest speaker, Beau LongmireREWARDING AND RETAINING STAFF AS THE NUMBER ONE INVESTMENT IN FARM BUSINESS

Break it down and it is a fairly simple concept, but farmer Beau Longmire’s approach to ensuring his staff are valued for the work they do is having a profound impact on retention of his ‘co-workers’.

Beau (pictured) will be the keynote guest speaker at the Hart Field-Site Group’s free, Getting The Crop In seminar on Wednesday, March 13.

Always a highly-anticipated session on the half-day program, Beau will throw open the gate on the operations of his Sunny Hill farm, at Balldale, 22-kilometres north east of Corowa, New South Wales.

Beau’s mainly-dryland farm located in 500 millimetre-rainfall country includes full ownership, share farming, contracting and part contracting enterprises. The business centres mainly around wheat, barley, canola, hay and straw. Beau also has the farm’s first corn crop being grown under irrigation currently in the ground. It is part of a three-stage irrigation development that he hopes will capitalise on better summer crop margins.

With wife Bec working off-farm, Beau’s number one asset for his diverse operation is his 10 full-time staff, along with five seasonal staffers during busy periods. And it is his innovative approach to giving them the incentive to stay with him that is turning heads.

“In our business, they’re not workers, they are people who work alongside us. We see them as absolutely integral parts of our business, in fact, they’re clearly the most integral part of our business.” Read the full story here.


Hart's vice-chair, Glen Wilkinson and chair, Andre SabeeneyTIME TO PREPARE FOR SEEDING 2024

The dust may have only just settled from harvest, but planning is already well under way for the 2024 sowing season.

Helping things along, the Hart Field-Site Group is hosting its annual, free, Getting The Crop In seminar in Clare on Wednesday, March 13.

All farmers and industry are invited along to the half-day information sharing event.

Hart vice chair, Snowtown farmer, Glen Wilkinson (pictured with chairman, Andre Sabeeney) says it provides the perfect opportunity locally to join other like-minded growers for some networking, and hear from – and directly ask questions of – industry experts.

“It is intended to be an interactive event,” he said.

“We really encourage the audience to use the opportunity to ask questions directly to the industry experts heading our speaking line-up.” Read the full story here.


2023 Getting The Crop In seminar
Wednesday, March 8

Getting The Crop In 2023 program

Post event news...

Hart's 'Getting The Crop In' seminar 2023 - keynote guest speaker, farmer Ben Mumford presenting

Getting The Crop In makes its return

March 10, 2023
The annual Getting The Crop In event was back in its traditional face-to-face format in Clare last week.

Farmers and industry gathered for the event hosted by the Hart Field-Site Group, and left with an insight into future trends and last year’s observations to help plan the cropping season ahead.

With harvest only just wrapped up for most, rain showers moved over the event venue as a reminder that the growing season is just around the corner. Read the full story...

Pre event news...

Hart's 'Getting The Crop In' seminar 2023 - keynote guest speaker, farmer Ben Mumford

Farming, bushfires, recovery and opportunity

Redhill farmer Ben Mumford (pictured) was no stranger to the possibility of expanding the family farming operation ‘overseas’ to Kangaroo Island.

As a kid he got pretty used to working out the logistics of jumping on the ferry or a plane, making sure everything was booked and ready to go, when his father first took a similar expansion route, followed by Ben’s brother as part of the family succession plan.

For Ben, wife Bronwyn and their three boys Charlie, 23, Lachlan, 22, and David, 18, looking for an opportunity to expand their Mid North farming enterprise, it was somewhat unsurprising then that the island beckoned.

And with it has come the highest of highs and lowest of lows, but what has shone out brighter than anything else, has been a resilience and community spirit that perhaps even surprised themselves.

Ben will share an insight into the Mumford family farming operations at the Hart Field-Site Group’s Getting The Crop In seminar on Wednesday, March 8, in Clare.

Learn about the family’s Mid North farm that sits “between Redhill and Crystal Brook, just outside of Goyder’s Line in 15-inch rainfall country” where they crop wheat, barley and lentils, grow domestic hay and run a lamb and cattle feedlot.

And hear about their decision to expand to Kangaroo Island, into 800-millimetre rainfall country north west of Parndana, where water and feed have been plentiful, but the devastation of the 2019-2020 bushfires saw them lose almost everything. Read the full story...

Hart chairman, Andre Sabeeney

Time to think about getting the crop in

With harvest just completed, and still finishing up for some, it is hard to believe the sowing season is right around the corner.

However, the Hart Field-Site Group has your back, and is ready to share a wide range of information at its free, annual Getting The Crop In seminar in Clare on Wednesday, March 8.

Hart chairman Andre Sabeeney (pictured) said after last year’s Covid-cancellation, the group was thrilled to have the seminar back in its traditional face-to-face format and had developed a program that had broad appeal.

“Last year was cancelled due to COVID, and while we released a series of podcasts with some of our guests, there was never any doubt we had to bring this event back live and in person as soon as we were able to,” he said.

“Growers value the networking with each other and topical sessions to assist in the planning of not just the new season cropping activities, but also in their considerations for future years.

“This year we have tried to build a range of topics for both short and longer-term decision making. Read the full story...




2022 Getting The Crop In seminar
Wednesday, March 9

Rather than waste the amazing talent we had booked, we made a podcast series! You can listen to interviews with three of our guest speakers (with hopefully a fourth to come), by clicking here: VIDEOS AND PODCASTS

Hart's 2022 'Getting The Crop In' seminar cancelled

Getting The Crop In seminar 2022 - program

Hart's 'Getting The Crop In' seminar guest speaker, Glen SimpsonRevved up and contracted to grow

As a 22-year-old, Glen Simpson (pictured) bought 240-hectares of land and was keen to move from the family farm and run his own property.

He knew what he wanted, but he had to work out a way to ‘grow’ his farming operation at Keith in the state’s South East, and quickly realised the cost of land and machinery would be his biggest inhibitor.

That is, until he embarked on a farming journey of building up his enterprise by offering contracting to other local farmers, and that remains a vital part of his successful farming business today.

Glen will be the farmer guest speaker at the free Getting the Crop In seminar on March 9 in Clare, where he will share an insight into how he runs his farm, how he has built it up,  and also how he helped reinvigorate his local community by bringing jet boat racing to Keith. Read more here...


Hart chairman, Andre SabeeneySowing seeds of knowledge ahead of cropping season

The 40th year of the Hart Field-Site Group officially kicks away on Wednesday, March 9, when it hosts the annual Getting the Crop In seminar to help prepare for the upcoming grain growing season.

A half-day program will be presented to farmers and industry representatives keen to hear about understanding soil carbon, the latest Hart trial results, grain marketing news and also some tips for managing the stresses of farming and life.

The always highly-anticipated farmer speaker will be Keith farmer Glen Simpson who will be there to throw open the gates of his farm and give an insight into his cropping operations, as well as his community involvement.

Hart chairman Andre Sabeeney (pictured) said Getting the Crop In continues to provide an excellent opportunity to prepare for the season ahead, ask questions direct to industry experts, share experiences with like-minded farmers and simply have a catch up over breakfast or a cuppa. Read more here...


2021 Getting The Crop In seminar
Wednesday, March 10

Getting The Crop In 2021 program

Post event news...

Hart's Getting The Crop In seminar, 2021HART HELPS FARMERS GET SET FOR SEEDING
Farmers were given a ‘toolbox’ of information ahead of the 2021 planting season, with the Hart Field-Site Group inviting them along to Clare last Wednesday for its free annual Getting The Crop In event.

The half-day program attracted a COVID-19 capacity crowd for the venue.

The always-anticipated farmer speaker was David ‘Seth’ Cooper of CC Cooper & Co who gave an insight into his family’s expansive farming operations which now span from its heartlands in Jamestown to Western Australia near the SA border and east into far western New South Wales. Read more...

We'd like to thank our guest speakers for making their presentations available to share with you online:

'Farming the expanse' with David 'Seth' Cooper
Visual presentation (13.7MB)

'Plant breeding; unlocking technology for the future' with Hayden Kuchel
Visual presentation - not available


'Attracting and retaining staff' with Carlyn Sherriff
Visual presentation


'Hart research update' with Sarah Noack
Visual presentation

'Hart research update' with Brianna Guidera
Visual presentation

'Grain markets - how the events of 2020 affect the outlook for 2021' with Ben Harfield
Visual presentation

We'd also like to thank our guest presenters for sharing their top tips for managing work / life balance.

HART - tips for managing work / life balance


Pre event news...


In a farming operation that spans 1600 kilometres across the country, from the far eastern reaches of the Western Australian border to outback New South Wales, there is nothing clearer to the secret of CC Cooper & Co success, and that is the people that help them run their rapidly expanding agricultural enterprise.

“Always aim to employ people that are more capable than yourself, particularly in specialised roles”.

That is the key, according to managing director David ‘Seth’ Cooper (pictured) who, along with brother Tom, oversees CC Cooper & Co’s six properties, across vastly different country, with up to 30 employees at any one time.

Seth will be the farmer guest speaker at the Hart Field-Site Group’s 2021 Getting the Crop In seminar in Clare on Wednesday, March 10, where he will give an insight into the CC Cooper & Co farming enterprise.

The company’s roots are in Jamestown, but have steadily grown since 2005 when the family purchased Wonga Station (Broken Hill), followed by Narrung on the Coorong in 2009-2012 and an additional purchase in 2019, Madura Plains (the second eastern most station in the south of Western Australia), Coorabie in 2019 (the second most western farm in South Australia), and Broughton Vale Station (at Little Topar, New South Wales) in 2020.

The steady expansion has been driven by a desire to balance and manage risk. Read the full story...


Hart chairman, Ryan Wood

It will be a matter of ‘just add rain’ following the Hart Field-Site Group’s free Getting The Crop In seminar on Wednesday, March 10, in Clare, which aims to help growers head into the 2021 growing season fully-armed with the latest cropping information.

A half-day program will be presented to farmers and industry representatives keen to hear agronomy and crop trial updates, staffing tips, and plant breeding news.

Chairman Ryan Wood says the event is an excellent opportunity to prepare for the season ahead, ask questions direct to industry experts, share experiences with like-minded farmers and simply have a catch up over a coffee.

“We have a half-day program packed with timely information and updates,” he says.

“The Hart board is excited with the list of speakers on this year’s Getting The Crop In program and really looking forward to the return of some ‘normality’ heading into our 2021 events. Read the full story...

Something extra...
'Getting The Crop In' will be followed by a Roundup Ready® Canola Technologies accreditation course offered by Bayer.
Separate registration is required (clicking on the text below will take you straight to the registration page).


2020 Getting The Crop In seminar
Wednesday, March 11

8am - 12:30pm
Influencers Church, Stradbrooke Road, Clare

Getting The Crop In 2020 program

Post event news


Farmers from across the Mid North and Yorke Peninsula gathered in Clare on Wednesday for the annual Hart Field-Site Group’s annual Getting The Crop In seminar.

Long-established as an Australian leader in cropping trials and research, as well as providing information to growers and industry, Hart’s annual event continues to attract good crowds who were this year given an insight into cropping, marketing and risk management despite the ‘big dry’.

Hart chairperson Ryan Wood said it was fantastic to see a good turn-out for the event and thanked the Hart members for attending to hear a line-up of quality speakers provide the latest information to help set them up for the growing season ahead.

“Our Hart events, like this year’s Getting The Crop In seminar really do aim to provide a broad range of information for growers and industry,” he said.

“Even though we’ve experienced some very dry seasons leading up to 2020, the seminar program aimed to reflect that and provide information and data to enable growers to keep moving forward even in very challenging times.”

Pre event news


Keynote guest speaker, John Gladigau Northern Mallee farmer John Gladigau will ‘open his farm gate’ to attendees of the Hart Getting The Crop In seminar in Clare on March 11, giving them an insight into his farming operations.

John and wife Bronwyn farm a 8500-hectare property at Loxton and Allawoona in a collaborative farming partnership between the Gladigau family and Robin and Rebecca Schaefer.

They are both established farming families in their own right; the Gladigau family has been farming in the district since 1956, while the Schaefers are one of Loxton’s pioneer families, farming since the early 1900s.

The enterprise, Bulla Burra, is a continuous cropping operation with a cereal / legume rotation, growing wheat, barley, oats, chickpeas, lentils, lupins and field peas in the 275-millimetre annual rainfall area.

In 2008 John was one of the founding partners of Collaborative Farming Australia, which provided the framework and guiding principles under which Bulla Burra operates, he is also a founding director of Farmers Mutual Limited (FML), a risk protection model created by farmers, for farmers.

“In 2009 we joined together with the Schaefers to create “Bulla Burra’, a collaborative family farm formed by the merging of two existing family farms, and the leasing / sharefarming of additional land to create the efficiencies and economies of scale we believed were needed for a more profitable and sustainable future,” John says.


Get ready, get set, for Getting The Crop In 2020

Farmers are invited to head along to Clare on Wednesday, March 11, for the Hart Field-Site Group’s free Getting The Crop In half-day seminar for all the latest trial and market outlook information to set them up for the season ahead.

Kicking off at 8am with breakfast platters and coffee, the seminar will include the launch of Hart’s 2019 Trials Results book.

Hart regional intern Jade Rose and Agronomy Solutions research agronomist Sean Mason will speak about making fertiliser decisions on the back of a dry 2019 season.

They will give an insight into the use of soil and plant testing data for better nutrient management to optimise fertiliser investments for growers.

Hart’s new research and extension manager Rebekah Allen will update on the Hart 2019 variety trials, including highlights from the Trials Results book, available in hard copy on the day, or free online.

Keynote guest farmer speaker will be John Gladigau from Bulla Burra at Loxton and Allawoona, who will ‘open up his farm gate’ and talk about his farming operations, the impact of the drought, managing soil types and his recent Nuffield Scholar tour of the UK.

2019 Getting The Crop In seminar
Wednesday, March 13

8am - 12:30pm
Influencers Church, Stradbrooke Road, Clare

Getting The Crop In 2019 program

Post event news

Getting The Crop In seminar 2019FULL HOUSE FOR 2019 GETTING THE CROP IN

There was a full house for last week’s Hart Field-Site Group’s Getting The Crop In seminar held in Clare.

The fully-booked event saw almost 170 farmers and industry personnel gather to hear up-to-date trial information as the Hart Field-Site Group launched its 2018 trial results book, along with market updates, seasonal climate outlooks and the challenges of soil residual herbicides.

Always a drawcard, the keynote farmer speaker for the event Ben Wundersitz from Yorke Peninsula gave a detailed insight into how he and wife Belinda operate their farm, Anna Binna.

Outgoing Hart Field-Site Group chairman Damien Sommerville said it was heartening to see continued support for the group’s key events.

“Hart’s purpose continues to be to deliver value to growers and make agriculture better, in productivity, sustainability and community,” he said.

“Getting the Crop In for 2019 provided some great, rounded information that is pretty timely as we head into seeding, and we look to back that up with our Winter Walk in July, Spring Walk in October and of course our field day in September.

“To get a good crowd like we did today shows we’re on the right track, but we always welcome feedback and new ideas. We encourage growers and others involved in the industry to think about nominating to join the Hart board, before elections at our AGM coming up on April 9 at the Blyth Hotel.

“It really is a great opportunity to get involved with one of the leading agronomy groups in Australia and make a difference to South Australia’s broadacre cropping industry.”


Pre event news


Time to start thinking about Getting The Crop In 2019The 2019 cropping season is almost here and we're again presenting our free Getting The Crop In seminar on Wednesday, March 13, to help farmers prepare.
Hart chairman and Spalding farmer Damien Sommerville says this year’s event will be particularly relevant coming off the back of a dry year, with many farmers potentially facing new or different challenges.
“Coming out of a dry season we’ve got so many different things to consider,” he said.
“Issues like less cover in some paddocks, potential herbicide residues, and some might be wondering how the trials at the Hart site went in a dry year and how that latest research fits into a dry finish to prepare for similar years.
“It’s also a great chance to see where the international markets are heading and given we’ve had record prices this year to find out how long that might remain the case and what might trigger a change in prices.”
The seminar, sponsored by Rabobank, is an excellent opportunity to ask questions directly to the experts in the field, hear the latest agronomy, market and variety information and catch up with farmers from across the region.


Ben Wundersitz will speak at Hart's Getting The Crop In seminar March 13, 2019Over a period of 20 years, Yorke Peninsula farmers Ben (pictured) and Belinda Wundersitz have increased their cropping program by a massive 1200 per cent. It was partly a leap of faith, partly a necessity to remain viable that led to the expansion and along the way they have learned plenty about lease farming, branching into new cropping practices and taking an honest look at benchmarking to enable growth.
Ben will share some of his experiences with a first-hand insight into his farm business model as keynote guest speaker at our Getting The Crop In seminar in Clare on Wednesday, March 13.
A fifth-generation farmer from Maitland, Ben runs the property Anna Binna with wife Belinda, employing five full time staff and up to five casuals during peak seasons. The property spans from Price to Port Victoria and ranges from 280-millimetre rainfall to 500mm with a rotation focussed on high protein wheat, malt barley and lentils.
Ben attributes much of the business’s growth to the introduction of lentils into the rotation, especially in areas traditionally considered too dry for sustainable continuous cropping.
“We’ve been growing lentils for 20 years and they can be as much as a third of our program,” he said.
“We’re growing lentils in areas that people told us wasn’t possible, they said we’d go broke.
““But we can grow them earlier and earlier without getting smashed by frost – it’s a big part of the success of this crop but no one really realised back then.”



2018 Getting The Crop In seminar
Wednesday, March 14th

The Vine Church, Stradbrooke Road, Clare (northern end of the Clare Racecourse)
8am - 12:15pm

Getting The Crop In 2018 - program

Post-event news...


Hart Field-Site Group’s (HSFG) annual Getting The Crop In seminar held in Clare last week attracted more than 100 farmers and industry representatives all keen for an insight into the latest grain variety and market information ahead of the 2018 sowing season. Read the full story...



 Pre-event news...

Keynote speakers Ben Hunt will present at Hart's Getting The Crop In seminar 2018GET ON THE ‘HUNT’ FOR NEW IDEAS AT HART’S 2018 GETTING THE CROP IN SEMINAR
An integrated whole-farm management approach, incorporating cropping and livestock enterprises, is paying dividends for Bordertown farmer Ben Hunt, who will share his experiences at the Getting the Crop In seminar in Clare on March 14.
Hosted by the Hart Field Site Group, the annual pre-seeding seminar brings together some of the country’s leading agronomy specialists and this year Ben will be the key-note farmer speaker.
Ben and wife Jules are working through the transition of running the family’s 1200-hectare farm following the recent retirement of Ben’s father Bill, and along with the challenges that in itself presents, they continue to look at ways they can “spread the risk between cropping and livestock”. Read the full story...

Hart's Getting The Crop In seminar 2017 - farmer panel Q&AThe Farmer Panel Q&A session is back!
It is hard to believe the sowing and growing season is almost here again, but the Hart Field-Site Group is presenting its annual Getting The Crop In seminar on Wednesday, March 14, to help growers prepare for the year ahead.
A free event sponsored by Rabobank Clare, Getting The Crop In brings together some of the country’s leading agronomy and marketing specialists, providing direct access to information and an opportunity to ask questions and get some answers pre-seeding. Read the full story...


Hart's Getting The Crop In and GRDC's Farm Business Update

Getting The Crop In was followed by GRDC's Farm Business Update in the afternoon.

2017 Getting The Crop In seminar
Thursday, March 23rd

Getting The Crop In 2017 - program

Post event news...

Farmers armed with knowledge to tackle seeding 2017
The header may have only just gone back into the shed, but as we head into April and with Anzac Day less than a month away, it will signal the start of seeding for many. Growers keen to be up-to-date with the latest trial research results, commodity market trends and to get themselves in the seeding mindset, gathered in Clare on March 23 for the annual Getting the Crop In seminar. Sponsored by Rabobank, the free seminar attracted 135 participants, who were the first to get their hands on the 2016 Hart Trials Results book. In 2016, 30 trials across 2000 plots were hosted or conducted by the Hart Field-Site Group. Read more...

Hart's farmer panel at the 2017 Getting The Crop In seminar

Pre-event news...

Yeelanna farmer to give insight into his sustainable farming approach at Getting The Crop In seminar
Yeelanna farmer Randall Wilksch (pictured below) will ‘open up’ his farm gates and give a personal insight into his experiences with controlled traffic, precision farming and women in agriculture, as guest farmer speaker at the Getting The Crop In seminar in Clare on 23 March. Randall farms a 3650 hectare property on the Lower Eyre Peninsula with wife Julie, brother Jordy and his wife Kylie, and parents Max and Julie, and will give a first-hand account of their farming enterprise... read the full story here.

Randall Wilksch will speak at Hart's Getting The Crop In seminar on March 23 2017


Seeding seminar to help with Getting The Crop In for 2017
It may feel like harvest has only just wrapped up, and in what was a drawn out season for many it has, but seeding 2017 is just around the corner and the Hart Field-Site Group is set to bring you a truckload of information to help with some of the decision making that comes with it - everyone is welcome to the free event. Read the full story here.

Don't forget to book separately for the GRDC Farm Business Update for Growers to be held immediately after our event.

Hart 'Getting The Crop In' seminar and GRDC Farm Business Update 2017


2016 Getting The Crop In seminar
Wednesday, March 16th

Getting The Crop In 2016 - program

We are grateful to our guest speakers for permission to upload their presentations:
Campbell Keene, Rabobank - 'Riding the wave of grain and pulse markets' (1.6MB)
Sarah Noack, Hart - 'Hart trials; key findings and update' (647KB)
Julia Hausler, Warracknabeal farmer - 'From theory to practice - mixing grain marketing knowledge with farming reality' (647KB)
Rob Wheeler, SARDI - 'Cereal variety update 2016' (1.9MB)

Post-event news
Hart's Getting The Crop In seminar 2016

Farmers well-armed for 2016 cropping season following annual Getting The Crop In seminar
Recent teasing rains got many of the region's farmers seriously thinking about the 2016 cropping season, and the Getting The Crop In seminar held in Clare last week (March 16) gave them an insight into all the latest agronomy, trials and global market inforamtion to help plan the year ahead. Read more here.

Pre-event news
Our keynote guest speaker, Warracknabeal farmer Julia Hausler (pictured).

Julia Hausler, keynote guest speaker at Hart's Getting The Crop In seminar
Julia farms in the Victorian wheatbelt with her husband Tim. She spent 10 years in the grain trading business and lectured in risk management before deciding to work in the farming business full time, and will be joining us to share her experience of "Mixing grain marketing knowledge with farming reality".  Read more about Julia and get a sneak peek into her presentation here.

Free cropping seminar in Clare to help farmers prepare for the 2016 growing season

The 2016 cropping season will get underway with a free half-day Getting the Crop In seminar hosted by the Hart Field-Site Group on March 16 in Clare, with a program of speakers providing the latest trends in marketing, grain variety and agronomy as well as first-hand accounts into their own farming operations. Read more...

Thanks to event sponsorship from Rabobank Clare, Getting The Crop In is presented free.


2015 Getting The Crop In seminar
Wednesday, March 11th, 2015

Getting The Crop In 2015 - program

We are grateful to our guest speakers for permission to upload their presentations:
Sterling Liddell, Rabobank - 'The impact of changes in American agriculture on Australian growers' (1.2MB)
Sarah Noack, Hart - 'Hart trials; key findings and update' (529KB)
Malcolm Bartholomaeous, AvantAgri - 'What is the market telling us to sow?' (463KB)
Rob Wheeler, SARDI - 'Cereal variety update 2015' (1.4MB)

Post-event news

Getting The Crop In seminar 2015

Seminar helps farmers prepare for seeding ahead of opening rains

With a line-up of international and state-wide speakers, the group left armed with the most up-to-date information and predictions on grain markets, grain varieties and detailed reports on how last year’s crops performed. Hart Field-Site Group chairman and Brinkworth farmer Justin Wundke says participants are now well-poised to tackle the coming growing season. Read more here.

In the media:
From the Stock Journal, Getting The Crop In seminar photo gallery: click here
From the Stock Journal, 'Seminar focuses on seeding preparation': click here
From ABC Radio Rural Report, Clint Jasper interviews Sterling Liddell, Rabobank and asks where the future growth in Australia's grains industry will come from (5min 14sec): click here
 *this interview was not recorded at Getting The Crop In but covers many of the topics discussed in Mr Liddell's seminar presentation.

Pre-event news
International speaker to headline cropping seminar in Clare
The Getting the Crop In seminar will help kick-start the 2015 cropping season, with international and South Australian experts providing the latest trends in market, grain variety and agronomy as well as first-hand accounts into their own farming operations. Read the full story here.


 Mark Modra to speak at Hart's 2015 Getting The Crop In seminar

Exciting times for growers willing to think ‘outside the square’, according to EP farmer
If there was ever a time to think outside the square and ‘challenge the status quo’, it is now, according to Eyre Peninsula farmer Mark Modra (picutred above), who will speak at the Getting the Crop In seminar in Clare on March 11. With big things just around the corner for the future of farming, Mark says there will also be great opportunities for farmers willing to try something new. Read the full story here.


2014 Getting The Crop In seminar

AGRONOMY TRIAL RESULTS LAUNCHED AT HART SEMINAR: Last year’s agronomy trial results were launched and explained by trials manager Sarah Noack as part of last week’s Hart Field-Site Group 2014 Getting the Crop In seminar that attracted about 140 farmers and industry representatives.  Click here to read more

GET SET FOR 2014 WITH FREE FARMING SEMINAR: The 2014 cropping season is fast approaching and the Hart Field-Site Group is holding a free Getting The Crop In seminar to help farmers stay up to date with the latest information on varieties, grain markets, finance and research as well as a first hand look into one farmer’s innovative farming practices.... Click here to read more

Soil moisture capacitance probes are not quite the crystal ball of cropping, but for New South Wales farmer Bruce Watson (pictured above) and the farming partnership he runs with his father and brother-in-law, they are certainly providing some valuable decision-making data.
Bruce, a Nuffield scholar, will be in Clare on Wednesday, March 12, to address delegates at the Hart Field-Site Group’s free Getting the Crop In seminar where he will give an insight into his farming operations as well as the challenges and solutions they have experienced first hand... Click here to read more

2013 Getting The Crop In seminar

With another grain harvest completed and the next growing season imminent, about 170 graingrowers and agricultural industry representatives gathered at the Getting The Crop In seminar in Clare last week.
Hosted by the Hart Field-Site Group, and sponsored by Rabobank, the annual seminar gave guests the opportunity to hear from leading industry and farmer speakers about grain variety performance, the latest Hart Field-Site trials results, global market trends and harvest operation updates.  Read more here...

FARMING ON THE EDGE (media release)


2012 Getting The Crop In seminar

With the new growing season fast approaching, graingrowers gathered in Clare for the Hart Field-Site Group’s Getting the Crop In seminar last Wednesday (March 14) to hear the latest information on agronomy, crop trial results, management and market information.
About 150 farmers and industry representatives attended the free event sponsored by Rabobank, which kicked off with a cooked breakfast.
David Jochinke, a dryland farmer from Murra Warra 30 kilometres north of Horsham, was the keynote speaker for the event.
Having recently returned from a tour of Sri Lanka and India as an Australian Rural Leadership participant...click here to read more.

GETTING THE CROP IN 2012 - full event details
GET UP TO DATE FOR THE GROWING SEASON (media release) - 24th February 2012
FARMING IN 20 YEARS - WHY YOU SHOULD STILL BE THERE (David Jochinke media release) - 24th February 2012
GROWERS CONVERGE FOR PRE-SEEDING SEMINAR (media release) - 15th March 2012


2011 Getting The Crop In seminar

Another successful event (with the exception of a fire alarm and quick evacuation!) saw 110 people enjoy some thought provoking and informative speakers as well as the famous catering by staff at Rabobank Clare.
Feedback was overwhelmingly positive about our local farmer speaker, Grant Pontifex, a definite highlight in what was a fantastic program.
A huge thank you to all our speakers for their valuable contributions!

2011 Getting The Crop In seminar details
2011 Getting The Crop In media release


2010 Getting The Crop In Seminar

The Getting The Crop In Seminar, held at The Valley's Lifestyle Centre, Clare on March 11th 2010 was a huge success, with 140 farmers, agronomists and agribusiness representatives attending.  Our new format of a half day seminar, starting with a tasty cooked breakfast was very popular indeed.  With the event being fully supported by Rabobank, we were able to offer this seminar free of charge.  Bookings were essential!

Our program featured a quality list of guest speakers and topics, and an open discussion format facilitated by then Chairman Grant Roberts ensured ample opportunity for everyone to ask questions.

For program details, including guest speakers and topics, click here:

2010 Getting the Crop In Seminar program



Winter Walk
Tuesday, July 15, 2025
9am  |  Hart, SA

Hart Field Day
Tuesday, September 16, 2025
Hart, SA

Spring Twilight Walk
Tuesday, October 21, 2025
5pm  |  Hart, SA





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