Additional workshops, seminars or events offered by Hart.
Maximise coverage - minimise loss
making every spray drop count
Balaklava - July 2 | Spalding - July 3 | Hart - July 4
Each workshop runs from 8:30am to 4:30pm
To join the waitlist in the event of a cancellation, please use these links for the venue of your choice: Balaklava, Spalding, Hart.
Join spray application & product experts Bill Gordon & Andre Sabeeney, along with change management specialist Dennis Hoiberg who’ll explain what spraying best practice looks like in 2024 and provide strategies to implement it, maintain it and enhance your productivity.
You’ll also hear local farmers share their experience, get the latest on crucial weather tools, gain confidence in compliance and record keeping and improve your understanding of spray quality & droplet behaviours in an up close, on-site demo.
Workshop content will be customised for each audience to provide maximum benefit for your own spray operations and challenges.
You can use this link to share workshop info with your neighbours, in your farming chat groups and with your clients: https://tinyurl.com/MaxCoverMinLoss
A new workshop will be held in the Mid North next month to help unravel the keys to current best practice spray application, and the tools to achieve it.
The ‘Maximise coverage – minimise loss: making every spray drop count’ interactive workshops will be held at Balaklava, Spalding and Hart, and are a joint initiative of the Hart Field-Site Group and GRDC.
Hart executive officer Sandy Kimber said the free workshops would provide farmers with practical information to support spraying best practice in 2024.
“Importantly, we’ll be placing a strong emphasis on how to achieve that,” she said.
“The reality is, there are a number of variables that add complexity to each spray application, so we’ll work through various real-life scenarios during the course of the day.
“If we can arm farmers with the tools to make the best possible spraying decisions every time, we’ll see positive outcomes for everyone in terms of pest, weed and disease control, farm economics, the community and the environment.”
Guest speakers will include Bill Gordon (ICAN); Andre Sabeeney (Nufarm / Hart); Dennis Hoiberg (Lessons Learnt Consulting); Michael McManus (PIRSA); John Nairn (CoTL – operators of Mid North Mesonet); Leet Wilksch (agbyte); Damien Sommerville (Spalding/Burra farmer and ex spray contractor); Andrew Mitchell (Mintaro farmer and vigneron). Read more here.
Improving Climate Risky Decision Making
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
9am - 12pm
Blyth Town Hall, Blyth, SA
Register here
We are really pleased to be able to bring you this comprehensive update on what’s new in weather and climate information.
With a practical element...
Guest presenters Peter Hayman (Climate Applications Scientiest, SARDI) and Barry Mudge (Low Rainfall Farmer & Consultant) are also going to spend time looking at local historical data and predictions, and give you some tools that help use that information to aid on-farm decision making in the short, medium and longer term.
*Bring a laptop or tablet to participate in workshop exercises tailored to your location.
Register here
Growing Profit from Precision Ag
Thursday, September 9
► Download the flier
► Register
Hands-on PRECISION AG Training
Thursday, February 18
Perfect for farmers in the early stages of their PA journey but all are welcome.
► Download the flier
► Register
Reducing Limitations to Pulse Production
A part of the GRDC Southern Pulse Extension project
Thursday, August 22
Click on image above to enlarge or download and print
Willowie | Wirrabara | Bute
Attend all three sessions or just one, it's up to you.
Guest speakers
Sarah Day, SARDI Agronomy; Jenny Davidson SARDI Pulse Pathology; plus field plot machinery demonstration
Ross Ballard and Liz Farquharson, SARDI Microbiology
Navneet Aggarwal, SARDI Agronomy
A free bus (ex Clare) will travel to all three sites
Seats are limited so please be sure to register.
Please meet at the Clare Town Oval at 7.45am for an 8am sharp departure.
The bus will return by 5.45pm.
Lunch and drinks are provided for bus travellers.
(Registrations for the bus are essential and also appreciated even if you're driving yourself)
If you have questions, please contact Sandy Kimber on 0427 423 154.
Better weather data for spraying
Mid North Mesonet; 40 new weather stations across the region
Access is free and we'll show you how to get it - look for a workshop near you
August 28 - September 6, 2019
Click to enlarge.
More information:
Weather stations a game changer for Mid North famrers, if you get the drift
For the first time, farmers will be able to accurately measure suitable weather spraying conditions through Mid North Mesonet, a network of 40 automatic weather stations to help farmers avoid temperature inversions, or other adverse weather conditions for spraying.
Above: With one of the automatic weather stations at Pinery are members of the technical and project team, Omid Moghimi, Alan Phelps, Niran Pelpola, Warwick Grace, Dana Galbraith, Damon Grace, Mick Faulkner, Mark Stanley and Peter Cousins.
Click on the image above to enlarge or print.
WE'RE FULLY BOOKED but keeping a waiting list in case of cancellations so please get in touch if you're interested.
Our 2017 'Been Farming Long?' workshop series for early career farmers sold out really quickly and we ended up with a waiting list.
So we're really pleased to be able to offer these workshops to a brand new bunch of early career farmers in 2019 all thanks to new funding received through the National Landcare Program Smart Farms initiative.
Click on the image above to enlarge.
Click on the image above to enlarge.
Check out this 3 minute video clip as a follow on to our 'Getting good weed control in standing stubble' workshop. It's been put together from footage taken during the workshop and shows just what we covered. You'll also hear from our R&E manager Sarah, and spray guru Bill Gordon.
Thank to trial funders South Australian Grain Industry Trust for their support and for making this video available.
Getting The Crop In seminar
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
8am - 12:30pm | Clare, SA
Winter Walk
Tuesday, July 15, 2025
9am | Hart, SA
Hart Field Day
Tuesday, September 16, 2025
Hart, SA
Spring Twilight Walk
Tuesday, October 21, 2025
5pm | Hart, SA