We've been collaborating with Leighton Wilksch from Agbyte, who's installed a soil moisture probe at the Hart site.
This data is live and available to anyone who has the password to log in. Lucky for you, we're happy to share!
First, head to www.agbyte.com.au
Type "hart" as the username in the Client Login Data box on the left hand side of the page.
A pop up box will appear; you'll need to enter "hart" again as the user and "moisture" as the password.
The longer we gather data, the more interesting it will get so keep your eye on it.
Calibration – Sentek provides default calibration equations for Soil Moisture sensors that convert raw counts into estimates of soil volumetric water content. These default calibration equations have been calculated based on a range of different soil types and which can be used to show relative soil water changes in all soil types.
Winter Walk
Tuesday, July 15, 2025
9am | Hart, SA
Hart Field Day
Tuesday, September 16, 2025
Hart, SA
Spring Twilight Walk
Tuesday, October 21, 2025
5pm | Hart, SA