Ag Research - the seasonal timeline

by Miffy Purslow, Hart's 2024 research intern

Ag Research - the seasonal timeline, by Miffy Purslow; Hart intern

Meet Miffy, Hart's 2024 research intern!

This year, Miffy is taking the internet on a special behind-the-scenes tour into the world of agricultural research.

Motivated by her own curiosity, she’s creating a 5-part video series to show what really happens in this part of agriculture.

Whether you’re an agricultural student or just curious about the science behind farming, join Miffy as she explores why agricultural research is such a rewarding career path.

New episodes uploaded here as they dropped. You'll also find them on YouTube and on our socials - check it out!

In Episode 5, the final in this series, you learn that agricultural research doesn’t stop when field trials are harvested. There’s a constant cycle of learning, sharing, and refining the science behind farming.
Miffy takes you inside the everyday tasks that support research beyond the field. From extension work and presenting findings to attending industry events and meeting with farmers, these moments help bridge the gap between research and real-world application.
Follow along as Miffy wraps up this 5-part series, showing how research makes an impact beyond the paddock!


In Episode 4, Miffy takes you through harvest at Hart, plus essential steps post-harvest, like cutting, threshing and grain quality analysis.
Discover how threshing separates grain from straw, what grain quality data is collected and why this is important.
Hit play for a behind-the-scenes look at what happens after harvest!


In Episode 3, Miffy explains in-season assessments.
Learn how NDVI technology tracks crop health, see nitrogen application in action, and find out how plots are irrigated.
Miffy even takes you through canopy temperature readings using a 'tiny tag' data logger and explains why biomass cuts are required.


In Episode 2, Miffy shows you exactly how trial plots are sown; there's seed prep to be done (what is a germination test and how do you do one??), and then a really cool look at how plot seeders work to make sure every trial has the right seed planted in the right place.


In this first episode, Miffy introduces herself and will capture your curiosity with thought-provoking questions as she beings to uncover the secrets and surprises that make agricultural research so engaging.





Winter Walk
Tuesday, July 15, 2025
9am  |  Hart, SA

Hart Field Day
Tuesday, September 16, 2025
Hart, SA

Spring Twilight Walk
Tuesday, October 21, 2025
5pm  |  Hart, SA





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