The Hart Field-Site Group would like the thank the following sponsors and supporters for their ongoing contribution to the research conducted at Hart.
One of our core values is ‘value for money’ and at the heart of that (nice pun there...!) is providing farmers with access to our research via events, workshops and publications like trial results, videos, podcasts etc at the lowest cost possible, in most cases, for free. We can achieve that by working with commercial partners to help cover some of those costs.
In addition, we conduct a number of demonstrations and trials relevant to our growers that are not otherwise funded by RD&E investment bodies. Things like our variety trials, herbicide tolerance and more. Again, we cannot do that without industry support.
We encourage you to familiarise yourself with our sponsors so you know exactly who supports us in our research, with the benefit being passed on directly to you.
If you'd like to find out more about any one of our highly valued sponsors or supporters, please click on their logo.
Hart sponsorship terms run for a 12 month period from August to July.
There are various packages available, all offering your business fantastic exposure to the broadacre cropping sector of South Australia and beyond.
Packages start at $3K and all include display space in the main marquee at the Hart Field Day.
If you have an enquiry, we invite you to contact one of our sponsorship team:
We receive funding from the Australian Government's Future Drought Fund
Winter Walk
Tuesday, July 15, 2025
9am | Hart, SA
Hart Field Day
Tuesday, September 16, 2025
Hart, SA
Spring Twilight Walk
Tuesday, October 21, 2025
5pm | Hart, SA